Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Tuesday 8th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Tuesday 8th of February 2022
And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth. Luke 12:15.
Blessed morning to you in Jesus name!
What a word today!
Take heed!
To all that thinks that there is nothing to be concerned about along this road to eternity. Take heed.
To the careless and the carefree take heed.
To those that believe that they cannot fall or slip off take heed.
To those that think they have arrived please take heed.
To those that think that acquisition, amassing wealth, buying everything buyable, pursuing money by all means please take heed.
Watch out! It is very easy these days to be clogged in the thickets of vanity pursuit.
Of late I have been in the planning of a senior colleague’s burial. I saw the grave they have dug for him in his compound and I saw the house he lived in before and I wonder how can a man leave a well-decorated, well-furnished house into a pit covered with sand? Buried away from the sight of his loved ones. The vanity of life. That is the end of all souls!
Beloved the master affirmed unequivocally that a man’s life does not consist in the number of shoes, handbags, assorted wares, executive cars, numerous houses, plenty of money as they use to say, fat account, many degrees, many positions, and so forth.
The master says….THAT is not life.
What then is life? If our life does not consist of acquisition and more acquisitions what then is the essence of life?
I was listening to a group of young ladies either married or not I can’t say but matured enough to be married and they were discussing what is the essence of life? Many say in unison. Happiness and money (neatly presented as financial stability and freedom).
But what is true happiness? Is it in all the good things THIS world has to offer? Well to some that is it.
But to God having food and raiment let us therewith be content.
Trues happiness is in pleasing God and having the assurance that your name is in the book of life.
There is no end to the goods of this world and all its attraction but beware of covetousness.
Covetousness is no respecter of anyone. It can grab a prophet like Balaam. Or An apostle like Judas. Or Disciple like Ananias and Saphira. Covetousness has sunk many in the horrible pit of hell. Covetousness has set many to be running an unending race of amassing riches. The covetous never have enough.
More and more and more is the song of the covetous. Covetousness has pushed many into daring and dangerous zones. The covetous is ready to kill or sacrifice anything even his soul for vanities.
Beware of covetousness friends our lives is not benchmarked against all the many things in this world available for grabbing.
Set your affections on things above.
Set your heart on Jesus.
Set your ambition on eternal life.
We win!
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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