Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Tuesday 22nd of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Tuesday 22nd of February 2022
Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me – John 15:4.
Praise The Lord in the Highest.
Glorious day full of Joy!
Directly from the master himself is a life time secret of fulfilling purpose, remaining relevant for him, experiencing true happiness, all round fruitfulness termed “Abide”.
Many wants to come on a tour with Jesus but not willing to abide.
Many wants window shopping but not ready to abide with Jesus.
Many wants to come for an holiday with Jesus but they will soon pack their luggage out.
Some are tenants and they are planning to relocate.
But there are those who have chosen to abide! Stay put! Hold-forth! Remain focusing Him and Him alone.
Have you ever seen a tree jumping up and down?
Have you ever seen a tree surviving by removing and planting itself everywhere the tree fits deem?
You need not a lecture to know the end of such trees.
Trees Abides that is why they last.
Trees are focused in one place that is why
they are rooted.
Trees stays that is why they bear fruits.
Trees last and remain a reference point because you will always meet them there.
Can God trust you?
They wait in position for their source. They go down to draw from the depth of where they have been waiting.
They stay put like statues but yet they grow bigger, higher, stronger, deeper as years go by because they have chosen to abide.
They wait for the sun, wait for the rain, wait for the winter and even for the breeze and every wind.
The sun makes them greener, the rain satisfies their thirst, the wind improves their stamina.
Year in Year out they bear their fruit because they made one simple choice to Abide.
Beloved there is blessedness in Abiding. Globetrotting don’t pay and those that engage in such don’t last.
Are you sure you are not on holiday with Jesus? Can he Trust you that he will meet you where he plants you when he returns?
For some he knows they will soon abandon him to continue their wondering about for nothing?
Where else will you be satisfied if not abiding in him?
Where else will you be nourished if not abiding in him?
No more can you amount to anything if you fail to abide.
A disconnected life is a wasted life.
A disconnected life is a zero life
A connected life is a “Meaning- FULL” life.
Can God trust you because you can Abide? Can Heaven rely on you because you will stay to carry out his counsel?
God is not looking for tall trees, popular trees he is looking for trees that will abide.
Trees that will stay to draw from him the very source of life.
You have no better house address than the secret place of the most high.
If you reside and stay there then you are sure nothing can move you.
I shall not be moved is not by mouth is by abiding.
Are you planted in his love? Stay there!
Are you planted in his presence? Stay there!
Are you planted in his will? stay there!
Are you planted in the midst of the storm? Stay there!
One thing is certain He that planted you had done all things well and planted you in the best place you can be.
Just Abide.
You are the planting of the Lord the tree of righteousness and you shall bear you fruit in season and out of season if you Abide!
Abide in Him
Abide with Him
Abide for Him.
We win!
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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