Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Thursday 24th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Thursday 24th of February 2022
And they all forsook him, and fled. Mark 14:50
Glory to Jesus in the Highest!
Have you ever been abandoned? Forsaken? Neglected to face it all by yourself? Have you ever been in a position of looking around for your trusted friend and they are nowhere to be found?
They “ALL” forsook him!
Even Peter that just boasted now: “If all men forsake you I will not”.
That is easy said than done!
Where is the disciple that lean on Jesus bosom?
Where are those struggling for a space by his side?
They “ALL” forsook him!
So sad that many are still forsaking him now.
So sad that many are still turning their back when the master needed them most.
So sad many are still giving excuses why they cannot come to the help of the master.
How often we forsake him in the face of persecution.
How often do we forsake him when we are being harassed and they point at you saying you resemble one of them.
You are a Galilean.
You speak like them.
How often we forsake him in the face of temptation.
What is your endurance capacity?
What is your trust ratio?
What are your breaking limit and Limit states?
For some, it is zero.
No capacity, no strength. They are good weather friends of Jesus.
Tell us your melting point in the face of opposition.
When you have to stand up for Jesus.
When you have to stand up for the truth
When you have to stand up for the counsel of God.
BUT: They “ALL” forsook him!.
Are you also in the list of those that are forsaking the Lord today saying: Jesus see to it yourself!
The Lord is bleeding for the state of man He died for.
The Lord is in tears for the billions of souls in hell today.
The Lord is looking for men that will stand in the gap but lo:
They “ALL” forsook him!
The Lord is looking for men that will give their lives and sacrifice all for the lost but lo:
They “ALL” forsook him!
Will you also forsake him? or rather stand by Him?
Will you also forsake him or sit on the fence.
Castaway your garment of ease and stand up for Jesus.
Stand up for Holiness without which no man shall see the Lord.
Stand up for the truth in this world of corruption.
Stand up for godliness in your place of work.
Stand up to the antics of the devil in your community and neighborhood.
Stand up and lift up the banner of Christ high.
Declare to the Lord I am present.
Let him see you at the forefront of the crusade for light.
Let him see you forging against the host of darkness.
You will not abandon him in this raging war.
We are in the army enlisted for victory we shall not flee from the rage of the enemy.
We will not forsake him.
We will honor him till the end.
We will die for him if need be.
We have given him our lives and we owe no man any apologies.
We are committed to Jesus and will remain committed for life.
We will not forsake him.
Show up for Jesus!
Stand up for Jesus!
Stay put with Jesus!
At all cost.
We win!
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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