Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Thursday 17th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Thursday 17th of February 2022
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28.
Glory to Jesus in the highest.
ALL things! are working together for my good?
We don’t seems to believe that most at-times.
When Moses was facing the Red Sea, by physical observation and circumstantial evidence as our learned fellows will say. It doesn’t seems so.
Judging by sight it seems like a final bus stop or a grave as the fearful children of Israel described it.
After all said and done. It ended up working for their good. It entered the world record that for the first time in creation a sea divided for men to pass through.
Wao! what a privilege to be “The called according to his purpose”
When you are the called according to his purpose Nothing is impossible.
When you are the called according to his purpose nothing seems indomitable.
When you are the called according to his purpose nothing is unreachable.
Could the dead child of the Shunamite be working for her good?
Could the invasion of Ziglak and the capturing of the members of David’s family be working for his good?
Could threat of Goliath be working for David’s good?
Could the sentencing of the Three Hebrew children be working for their good?
Could the denial of Jesus by Peter still work for his good?
Could the death of Lazarus be working for the good of the family?
Could the blindness of the son of Bath-emus be working for his good?
What of the leprosy of Naaman?
Could the arrest of Jesus and humiliation on the cross be working for our good?
Yes! Yes! Yes! the list is endless.
Without doubt either good or bad, “favorable” or “unfavorable” pleasant or unpleasant, easy or difficult, painful or soothing, stressful or stress less. Positive or negative, high or low, advantageous or disadvantages, little or much, burdensome or less burdensome.
One thing is sure and certain. To us who are the called according to his purpose.
All these things are working for our good.
Do you love God? You love Jesus passionately? Somewhere, somehow. Someday! It will just end in praise for you. And You will laugh at last.
Don’t judge by sight, don’t act by what you hear, don’t be moved by what you are feeling. Settle it at the back of your mind. This one too shall pass and all will be well.
Beloved rejoice in the fact that all things are working for your good today. Be confident in the very words of our Lord. I will never leave you nor forsake you
Get up!
Cheer up!
Wipe your tears
Tell yourself.
It’s working for my good with my God by my side.
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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