Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Thursday 10th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Thursday 10th of February 2022
But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man. Hebrews 2:9
Praise God. That is Jesus. He tasted death . So he can know what it means to die. He tasted death so he can give us victory over death. He tasted death so that we will not die the second death.
Jesus came down for me and for you below the level of angels. To the realm of mortals to partake in our pains and our sufferings. To be touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He was tired, he was hungry, he wept, he fasted, he sweated, he went through the agony of death, was abused, tempted, mocked, maltreated by men, betrayed, was poor. Why? To be a partaker of the same thing you are going through.
What are you going through now? Jesus has been on that road. He knows your pains. He knows the harassment of death, he knows your tears, he feels your sorrow, he understands your affliction…..and he his saying this morning I will see you through. I will not let you down. I will go through with you.
You are not alone and you will not see shame. He will arise for you. He will come and save you. We see Jesus in our situation. We see Jesus in our travails.
We see Jesus in our storm.
He stills the storm.
He drives the devil out.
He raises up those who are dead.
He lifts up the down trodden
He fights our battles
He watches over us
He feeds the sparrow
He numbered our hairs
He sets before us open doors
He heals us of our infirmities
Because he has tasted it all.
That’s why he can be a better high priest.
He is our mediator and chief advocate.
To him Jesus be all the glory.
We see Jesus!
We see His power!
We see His wisdom!
We see His glory!
We see His Love!
We win
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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