Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Saturday 5th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Saturday 5th of February 2022.
Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. James 2:17
Yes! Faith in the dual perspective. Faith as regard to the doctrine of Christ. The teachings of the Apostles by the leading of the Holy Spirit. That which is termed in today’s context our Christian faith. Such faith without practical action is dead. Yes dead.
Can’t claim to love or be a believer in love and yet it can’t be demonstrated. Love is practical and feasible. Love is not a figment of the mind or a theory to be studied for a doctorate degree. Love is real. Love is forgiveness, Love is forbearing, love is patient, love is sacrificial.
We can’t talk about or preach about the Christian Faith in our Bible studies, worship services, conferences, and meetings and not walk the talk. Faith is walking the talk. Faith is living up to the expectations of the scriptures in all practicality or else it is something else.
Faith is sharing whatever you have with others. Faith is forgiving whoever offends you. Faith is not preaching peace but you fail to make peace. Your action must correspond to your words. Faith is mercy! Faith is self-denial.
The second perspective of Faith is the faith like the mustard seed. Faith that activates the word. Faith that call those things which be not as though they were. That faith is practical. It can be demonstrated.
I receive my healing is not only a confession of the mouth. Act as though you have. Speak as though you have. I believe I will get that job is not enough, take a step of looking for the job. I believe God will bless me! That is great, bring a pot of oil for God to multiply. Bring two fishes and five loaves that God can bless. Bring a staff that God can touch.
Consider the statement of the lepers. “If we sit here we will die” let’s go by faith. They went and they succeeded. Faith goes. Faith runs towards Goliath. Faith lifts up the man by the beautiful gate. Faith prays.
What kind of faith do you have. A living Faith? or a dead Faith? Put your faith to work. Let your faith be with works. Be practical about your believe in God.
One leg in and out is not Faith. Faith is not consideration. Faith does not postpone. Faith is now and it acts now.
Dearly beloved your faith will not be dead but active and alive in Jesus name.
Get up!
Get faith!
Act faith!
Talk faith!
Walk faith!
We win!
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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