Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Saturday 12th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Saturday 12th of February 2022
And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7
Great morning to you beloved in Christ. There is a peace that passes all understanding of men. Some claim that if only I have money my heart will be at peace! The money comes and they exclaim can’t I have peace? Why are people disturbing me for money? Why are all these issues coming up now? Some claim if only I can get this offer, this opportunity oh I will have peace. Then they exclaim “ This work is stressing me too much I can’t even have peace”.
Some attached their peace to a relationship, some to a need, some to assistance, a promotion, an achievement. But yet we don’t have peace.
The peace that passes all understanding goes beyond things, or needs, or environment, it goes beyond anything physical or material. It goes beyond the natural.
The peace in discussion this morning is not triggered by any of these things but by the deep assurance in the heart that the Lord is with me and I have a hope of eternal life.
That peace is assuring, emboldening, comforting, and settling. That is the peace we pursue with all rigor.
The peace that God is satisfied with me. God is pleased with me. The peace that comes from serving the Lord acceptably.
The peace that I owe no man anything.
The peace that if I close my eyes in death I am going home.
The peace that I have no Skelton on my cupboard. That peace that my name is written in the book of life. That peace that Jesus loves me and he calls me his own.
That peace is not afraid of judgment!
That peace is not afraid of death!
That peace is not afraid of the storm
That peace is not afraid of the fire of Nebucadnezer.
That peace is not afraid of the flood.
That peace is not afraid of anything.
It is the peace that exists in the wilderness
The peace that reigns and rules in chaos
It is the peace that settles down in the midst of fear and uproar.
What’s peace!
I pray this peace keeps your heart.
Keeps it stable.
Keep it strong and firm.
Keep it in his love.
In Jesus mighty name.
Seek his peace!
Receive his peace!
Rejoice in his peace!
We win.
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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