Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Monday 7th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Monday 7th of February 2022
Now when all the people were baptized, it came to pass, that Jesus also being baptized, and praying, the heaven was opened, Luke 3:21
Great morning to you all in Jesus name. You have woken up to another awesome day of His goodness Amen.
Dearly beloved there is a great difference between all the people and the called one, all the people and the chosen one, all the people and the anointed one. I pray the Lord will bring us out of the crowd.
I pray you will not be lost in a realm called “ All the people that are limited”. In Jesus name.
Baptism was common to everyone but not open heavens.
All were dipped but not all had an encounter.
All came but not all saw
All had a physical bath but not all were bathed in glory and power.
All left with an encounter with the greatest prophet that ever lived but not all had encounter with the Creator of the whole universe.
All heard the words of mortals but not all heard the audible voice of the immortal God.
All saw an open sky but not all saw open heaven.
Oh Lord show me your mercy and let my Heavens open.
Until we come under opened heavens the struggle continues
Until we come under opened heavens we are shortsighted
Until we come under opened heavens we are limited and constrained.
Until we come under opened heavens direction of where to go and what to do and how to do it becomes blurred.
Until we come under opened heavens we lack heavens full backing.
When your heavens are opened there is light.
When your heavens are opened there is a flood gate of glory that is opened.
Angels are ascending and descending
Men look at you as if you have special abilities or specially favoured.
When your heavens are opened you gain awesome speed.
Open heavens is open doors.
Open heavens is open cheque book.
Open heavens is open channel of power.
Open heavens is open supply.
How do we receive open heavens?
Just please Him. Pleasing the Lord is signing up for open heavens.
I pray you will not walk or live under a closed heaven.
I pray you will come to this realm of open heavens.
Oh Lord let my heavens open.
Walk under open heavens.
We win
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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