Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Monday 14th of February 2022

Daily Nuggets – Monday 14th of February 2022
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Ephesians 4:17.
Praise Jesus!
This I say without apologies that we can’t walk anyhow to Heaven. To greatness. To a glorious destination.
A walk in Light leads to the path of life.
A walk in death leads to eternal death.
A walk of faith leads to pleasing the Lord. A walk in love makes us like him.
A walk in joy leads us to uncommon strength for his joy is our strength.
A walk in wisdom makes one wise and harmless like a dove.
A walk in authority and dominion sets us high above all principalities and powers.
A walk in righteousness exalts.
A walk in peace makes us the children of our Heavenly Father.
A walk in Holiness gives us the visa to seeing The Lord.
An upright walk gives us a place in his holy hill.
A walk in obedience brings us into his glorious inheritance.
So why should we walk like gentiles?
A gentile will walk foolishly, unholily, unfaithfully, unworthily and in a worldly way.
Don’t walk like them because you are not like them. Don’t walk like unbelievers who rate vanities higher and the realities of the kingdom.
Who are vain in their imaginations. Worthless in their thoughts.
Don’t walk in your own ways, Don’t walk in the flesh it profits nothing. Don’t walk with fools it leads you to regret. Don’t walk proudly you will fall.
Remember every walk leads to a destination.
When you walk with the Lord in the light of his word what a glory he sheds on our way.
Walk with the Lord! Walk like Enoch! Walk with God like Abraham, like Jacob, as the Apostles did.
Men that walks with God ends up with him.
Walk wisely and join the wise ones.
Walk circumspectly. Walk in the light and not in darkness.
We have a shepherd who is leading the way. Please let’s walk with him. Let’s negotiate the bends and turns with him. The ups and down with him. He can never lead us astray.
We will walk with him
Abide with him
While he leads the way.
We win
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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