Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Friday 11th of March 2022

Daily Nuggets – Friday 11th of March 2022
“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6
Glory to Jesus in the highest!
Be careful for NOTHING!
Does that include my rent?
Does that include my debts?
Does that include my health challenges?
Does that include my losses?
Does that include my present predicament?
Does that include the delays and disappointments?
Does that include my court case?
Yes it does and many other!
It is hard to accept that we should not bother about Anything!
Man by nature relates with what he or she can see! We are rather moved by what we can feel and touch.
We are more convinced if we can see it like Phillip asked the Lord.
However, Gods simple instruction is be careful for nothing.
In all these situations PRAY!
When you are down Pray!
When you are sick Pray!
When you need help Pray!
When you are owing Pray!
When you can’t continue again Pray!
When you don’t feel like praying Pray more !
When there is no light at the end of the tunnel Pray!
When your mind is clouded Pray!
When you are alone in it Pray!
When you have been abandoned to face it all alone Pray!
When you have the point of no return and you need to return Pray!
God is giving us a way out!
An exit door out of all our challenges and it’s simply prayer and thanksgiving.
Just Pray!
Don’t Just only Pray!
Plead your course continually.
Don’t rest until he answer
Then give thanks
Some tell us not to pray some tell us we should just do something.
Some say we pray too much!
Some say we don’t need to disturb God we should use our head.
Well, they may have a point but
I will use my mouth open it wide and cry!
I will rather follow the counsel of the Lord that says Pray, Supplicate and give thanks!
We need to settle it in our mind that Prayer is a way out of everything.
But in everything thing by Prayer and Supplication with thanks giving tell God your mind. He will reward you openly.
Just pray about it
Just pleas with Him about it
Just thanks Him about it
We win!
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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