greeting message

From Leader Pastor

Oladimeji Ashaolu

Hello and welcome to our church website, it’s always a real joy for us to meet and have new members in our church family. Here we aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias and means to communicate the church message. It’s very important to believe you are the one. We serve the city and our members through the true preaching of the Word of God as well as the right administration of the baptism and the Lord’s Super. Baptismal class presides water baptism and it holds every Monday and every 1st Sunday of the month is the Lord’s Super.


What to expect

First visit plan
We’re so glad you’ve decided to visit us! You’ll find a list of commonly questions. Please don’t hesitate to send us a message or give us a call at +234 8108331331

How do I get there?
You can find detailed schedule information and directions below.

What should I wear?
Our church has a “come as you are” atmosphere. You will see some dressed up; some dressed casual. We have no expectations for attire.


Our church

Starting point

If you’re interested in getting connected at our church or involved in the life of the church, Starting Point is your first step.

During our time together, you’ll meet our staff, learn how to get involved and understand key truths of the Christian faith. This class is designed to be a conversational environment where you discover more about our church and our mission as a church.

How do I get involved?

There are many ways to get involved. Here are three of them:
1) Come to a worship service on the weekend.
2) Join us in our worship service to God on Sundays at 8 am.
3) Look into joining a Small Group, and get to know some great people.