Complete Armour of a Heavenly Soldier

Memory verse: Wherefore, take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:13.
Texts: Ephesians 6:10-18; Gal 5:22-23.
A soldier is a military personnel engaged by a government to defend the territorial integrity of that government or another nation/people that the employer (government) has interest in. But before a soldier is able to perform his duties, he must not only undergo certain trainings, but must equally use certain tools/instruments provide him, for warfare.
Our topic suggests that we are Christian/heavenly soldiers. Our duties include; to protect our Kingdom’s territorial integrity while ensuring personal safety, and to also expand our hold/kingdom. We would notice that some of these armours are defensive in nature, while others are offensive, and yet some of them could be said to be both offensive and defensive.
Let’s consider some of the armour and their usefulness in Christian warfare.
- TRUTH: Ephesians 6:14. Though, these armours may not have been taking in their order, the first considered here is The bible says truth girds the lions about like a belt. Is it possible for a soldier to be properly dressed in his/her attire without wearing a belt? When we speak the truth (live a life of truthfulness), we make our garment of salvation, fitted on us. It helps us to move fast and without encumbrances. This armour is a very useful defensive Christian weapon.
- BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS: Ephesians 6:14. This is not a self-made righteousness, but the righteousness which comes by faith on the finished work of Christ Jesus on the cross. The breast is the location of the heart/chest. Therefore, for our hearts to keep pumping spiritual blood to keep us spiritually alive, we must maintain the righteousness of Christ imputed in us. Again, as a breastplate, righteousness protects us from the arrows of the devil targeted to kill our Christian life. The importance of Christ’s righteousness remaining in us as God’s children cannot be overemphasized. Proverbs 14:34; 28:1.
- GOSPEL OF PEACE: Ephesians 6:15. Note that the KJV says “And your feet shed with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace”. A Christian is expected to be “prepared” to share the Gospel of Christ (the Prince of Peace) as often as occasion presents itself, not until there is general evangelism programme. Jesus speaking on the urgency of evangelism said in John 4:34-36 “…that the field is ready for harvest”. Again in John 9:4, He encourages us to do the work now. Evangelism, while helping the preacher remain in faith, depopulates the kingdom of hell and populates the Kingdom of Heaven. Romans. 10:15b.
- FAITH AS A SHIELD: Ephesians 6:16. The faith that is based on the Cross of Christ is the only faith God honours and the devil trembles at. One of the devil’s strategy is to make us have faith/trust in something else, other than Christ and the Cross. All the fiery darts of the enemy can be quenched by our faith in Christ. It shields the darts of the devil from reaching us. It is important in every battle of life, and without faith, we cannot please God. Hebrew 11:6.
- HELMET OF SALVATION: Ephesians 6:17. A helmet helps to prevent head injury in the event of a crash. As a military tool, it prevents a bullet from penetrating the head of the soldier wearing it. This salvation includes deliverance from sin, its attendant consequences, and a continuous renewal of our mind through God’s word. It preserves our place in the Christian fold. Fellowship with other believers is another way to maintain our salvation, and serves as a hedge in times of battle, and also serves to sharpen us for Christian warfare. Hebrew 10:24-25.
- THE WORD OF GOD: Ephesians 6:1. Here, as an armour of Christian warfare, the word of God is referred to as the sword of the Spirit. A sword is used mainly as an offensive tool, but can also serve as a defense. We are admonished not only to study the word for impactful knowledge, but to also speak it out, both to war against the devil and to defend ourselves. Romans 10:8; Mark 11:23.
- PRAYER AND SUPPLICATION: Ephesians 6:18. This weapon of warfare is very potent. If it is to be noticed, the verse says “….in the Spirit……”, that’s to say, not just prayer, but prayer led by His Spirit. Another scripture calls it effectual fervent prayer, James 5:16b. Jesus illustrated this kind of prayer in Luke 18:1-5. Another aspect of this prayer is intercession for other saints and for the fulfillment of God’s purpose/programme on earth, or in a certain area.
- WATCHFULNESS AND PERSEVERANCE: Ephesians 6:18. These Christian virtues and instruments of warfare can help us not to entangle ourselves with the affairs of this world, 2 Timothy 2:4, thereby being fully alert on our responsibilities as God’s children.
As a people chosen by God, we must not rely on the armour of the flesh, whatever it is, it will eventually fail. 1 Samuel 17:39.
- How can the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 be useful armour for a heavenly soldier?
- Discuss the benefits of praises and thanksgiving as armour of a heavenly soldier.
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