Dominion Mentality II

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TEXT SCRIPTURES: Lk 10:19, Ps 8:4-6, 1 Kings 4:24b.

Memory verse: Memory verse: Psalm 8:6 “You have made him to have dominion over the works of your hands; You have put all things under his feet”



In the last lesson, we saw the theology (God’s view, idea) of dominion as eliciting the nature of God. This nature of God was passed on to man and can be exercised by man in taking charge of situations and circumstances, and over creatures or beings created by God. A Christian should equally have dominion over the flesh or sin (Romans 6:14). A Christian’s flesh is already crucified with Christ so that he/she can exercise dominion over sin (Galatians 5:24). Dominion is not lording over other people as explained in 1Pet 5:3 – “Neither as being lords over God’s heritage, but being ensamples to the flock”. It is not being arrogant and suppressing the less privileged, neither is it taking advantage of people who are not at vantage positions. It is what we get as part of our redemption package. We draw it from God by grace and we are to use it to advance the kingdom of God.

The following are examples of men that exercised dominion in the bible and the significance of having a dominion mindset.

  2. Abraham the father of faith. Genesis 13:4-5, Genesis 14:11-16
  3. Caleb and Joshua. Numbers 13:30, Joshua 15:13-19. Caleb and Joshua are the only two that exercised faith among the twelve spies sent to spy Canaan. Others perished in the wilderness.

iii. David, 1Samuel 17:33-37, 2 Samuel 5:17-25

  1. Jephthah. Judges: 12:1-7
  2. Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Matthew 4: 1-10, Matthew 8: 23-27. The spoken word of Christ under the influence of the Spirit bequeathed dominion to Him.


  2. A means of proving God unflinching faithfulness towards the elect. Acts 27:23-25 Acts 28:2-5
  3. It is proof of the infallibility and inerrancy of the scriptures. Genesis: 21:1-3,

iii. It gives exceeding joy to the redeemed. Psalms 43:3-4

  1. It acts as a catalyst of encouragement to the believer that experiences dominion: Luke 10:17, Acts 15:33-36.
  2. Dominion experience is a pointer to the work of Calvary by bringing people to Christ. Acts 3:1-10, 4:1-4, Acts 16:25-34


A defeatist mentality is a contradiction to the Christian life. A Christian must believe that he/she is a conqueror/overcomer. Dominion life and mindset have been made available in redemption for believers. God expects us to walk in this understanding. Mentality is a synonym to mindset. Being apt to win souls for Jesus is part of the dominion mentality. What is your mindset about yourself?

What you cannot conceive, you may not achieve. Let us eschew all defeatist lifestyles of lethargy and embrace the dominion Christ has procured for us on the cross. The Bible has shown us several men that walked in dominion in their dispensation. There are supposed to be examples for us to follow for they were men of like passions like us; These are patterns for us to follow in this era.


  1. How can you exercise dominion over sin?
  2. Do you have dominion by just giving your life to Christ?