Dominion Mentality I

TEXT SCRIPTURES: Genesis 1:26-28, Numbers 13:26-30, Luke 10:19; Matthew 16:19.
Memory Verse: ”And God blessed them, and God said to them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28.
Dominion of man over every other thing God created was God’s foremost mandate to man. It is God’s desire that man should dominate everything around him. The word ‘’kyriarchia’’ in Greek, which means sovereignty, supremacy, and reign describes the attributes of God. Our concern is to look into the communicable aspect of dominion as Gods character which He passed on to man. To have dominion mentality is to elicit the nature of the triune God in the ability to exercise supremacy over all of God’s creation. God succinctly enunciated this in His vivid declaration after the creation of all animals or beasts, and all components of the cosmos. The bible was eloquent about this in Genesis: ”And God blessed them, and God said to them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28.
Living in perpetual dominion is unarguably part of creation mandate and blessing for mankind. The creation of man to tend the garden was necessary in Gods wisdom. Man also acted in consonance with the pattern of his thoughts in the realm of the mind. The way or pattern of thought, or the mindset in any dimension of human endeavors is what is called mentality. However, man lost the complete dominion over all creation after he sinned in the garden of Eden. But God in His mercies gave man back the dominion by the death of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. God equally gave the dominion back by the use and power in the name of Jesus; that at the mention of the name of Jesus every kneel must bow (Philippians 2:10-11). Therefore, God expects His redeemed children to think of and exercise dominion in all spheres of life as part of the redemption package. ‘Dominion mentality I’ will look at the theology of dominion and conditions to exercise dominion mandate and mentality.
- Dominion is part of creation mandate given to man – Genesis 1:26-28
- God is the author of dominion. He is the original custodian of it. Job 25: 2-3
iii. Dominion is our covenant blessing Psalm 8:4-6
- Gods Dominion rule is unending and everlasting. Daniel 4:34
- God is the custodian of all sovereignty, dominion, power and greatness of all kingdoms. It shall be given to the people, the saints of the Most High God (Daniel 7:27).
- Salvation experience is a prerequisite to exercising dominion. Acts 3:19, Ezekiel 36:26-29. Refreshment, increase of corn and abolishment of famine is dominion, an aftermath of repentance.
- Determination of the mind to have dominion in all fronts makes dominion possible. 2 Chronicle 20:14-17, Esther 4:16. Esther just acted by faith with fasting and prayer prompted by the words of Mordecai.
iii. The fear of the Lord, having awe for His person (Genesis 39:7-13, 41:34-44, 1 Samuel 24:1-8, 2 Samuel 2:2-4).
- Acknowledgement and constant trust in His Lordship and sovereignty over one’s life. Proverbs 3:5-6, 2 Kings 18:5-8
- Astute study, knowledge and application of the word of God. Daniel 9:1-3, 2 Timothy 2:15-16, Daniel 11: 32b.
- Recounting previous experience of dominion can help a Christian exercise dominion (1 Samuel 17: 34-37).
vii. dissociating and breaking down satanic covenants and altars one is associated with. Certain challenges that confront believers should be dealt with by uprooting idolatrous, occultic ancestral foundations before total freedom. Judges, 6:25-27.
viii. Confessing the word of God over your life to counter impending defeat. Psalm 91: 4-16, Exodus 15: 26c. These and many more scriptures can be continuously chanted in faith by the believer to avert defeat and court dominion.
The cross on which the second Adam (Jesus) was crucified has procured for us the privilege of unending dominion over all circumstances of life. Therefore, our lives ought to evoke the dominion mentality. One may say and wonder, why ‘’Am I still experiencing the defeat in this area of my life’’? The honest truth is that dominion experience and mentality in all fronts is possible depending on the grace that confronts it (Matthew 17:20). Faith makes it possible for a Christian to exercise dominion as explained in the above scripture- Matthew. 17: 20.
The word of God is the food of the spirit and it is absolute in confronting defeatist mindset. Praying with the word as inspired by the Holy Spirit is therefore unarguably the most potent tool to exercise dominion.
- Who has the authority to exercise dominion?
- How can a Christian exercise dominion?
Pastor Oladimeji A.
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