Soul Rescuers Ministry Daily Nuggets Friday 4th of February 2022

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Daily Nuggets Friday 4th of February 2022


And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect. Genesis 17:1.

It doesn’t matter how long we claim to have been walking with God. If there is no perfection then there is a problem.

There is a point in our relationship with the Lord that he will expect us to grow up and get matured. Certain traits and characters must now give way for the Image and character of Christ.

We can’t be babies for life. We can’t be carnal for life. When you see the way some believers live from day to day one tends to ask if they know God at all.

It’s not how long we have been in the church or a Christian setting that matters, God is calling us to stop window shopping the Christian life but rather enter into the full experience and deep encounter with God.

Superficial and surface Christianity cannot take anyone anywhere.
Perfection should be our pursuit because God will demand it.

The call to perfection is the greatest call we are called into.

Perfect love, perfect service, perfect worship, perfect obedience, perfect offering, perfect sacrifice above all perfect understanding.

Walk before me and not before men. Walk before me and not before those that will praise you. Don’t run for God when you cannot deliver perfection. Don’t soar for God when you cannot deliver perfection.

Perfection was possible without the dispensation of grace how much more now that grace is made available.

Rise up to the call of perfection.


Walk in wisdom!
Walk in love!
Walk in perfection!

We win!

Pastor Oladimeji A.